Welcome to the North Country R Users Group new blog.
Here we will post resources, links to code, etc. from our meetings. We had a great first gathering of the summer yesterday, with about 18 folks in attendance. Soon I will be emailing that group with updates including a link to this blog post, where I’m listing some resources for learning R. We have a lot of first-timers in the group. If you have other resources you like for learning R, let me know, and I’ll add them to the list.
By the way, this post is formatted using Markdown - something some have expressed learning more about this summer. Stay tuned!
Resources for learning R
Once you know how to install an R package the swirl package has a lot of nice lessons.
Find a good book - there are some discipline-specific choices. Two I like that would be good for anyone but that use ecological data sets as the examples are:
There is a series of books called Use R! put out by Springer with some general and some more specialized topics, many of which are carried by academic libraries. These include texts on e.g. econometrics, ggplot, data wrangling, and so much more!
The folks at R Studio have a list of online resources and also produce a number of helpful webinars of which the R Studio Essentials is a good starting point.